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Complimentary Article

Charging Ahead: Understanding the Potential Risks and Management Options for Battery Systems

Authored by Roux's Adam H. Love, Ph.D., Calie Gihl (TC Energy), Michael Miller (Wiggin and Dana LLP), & Matthew Taylor (The Hartford)

 As the once carbon-fueled world of energy turns to renewables, there is one component which is essential for developing robust and resilient systems: batteries. Through the last two centuries, batteries have been steadily improving in functionality, size, environmental impact, and safety. The market for battery use today is in the multi-hundred billion and anticipated to continue growing with the demand. As this ubiquitous nature of batteries grow—so do the prevalence of the associated risks they pose. The functionality of any battery system is a chemical reaction, and not only are these chemicals potentially toxic, but they are also inherently unstable. Throughout the life cycle of a battery, mismanagement of this delicate yet powerful technology can lead to costly business disruptions, potential harm to human health, or environmental damage. This paper seeks to identify the primary risks at each stage of a battery's life cycle and understand how such risks are managed for the unique chemistries and operations.  

This article, a written follow-up to the FETTI 2022 panel presentation by the same title and authors, is published in the Environmental Claims Journal. To request a complimentary copy, please complete the form.