In May 2013, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that New York State would receive $340 million in federal funding for flood-mitigation projects at wastewater and drinking water plants in communities damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Sandy resulted in more than $1 billion in damage to wastewater treatment plants and the release of raw and under treated sewage into adjoining waterways highlighted the need to fortify our water-quality systems. Of the $340 million for New York, $283 million is allocated for wastewater projects and $56.6 million for drinking water facilities.
Working with the EPA, New York State will establish the Storm Mitigation Loan Program, along with standards for the disbursement of the $340 million. This will include rules governing the types of mitigation projects that will be eligible for a combination of interest-free loans and non-reimbursable grants through State Revolving Funds (SRFs) distributed through the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation.
As called for in the Governor's NYS 2100 Commission report, these mitigation projects should include the installation of floodwalls and the construction of green infrastructure (e.g., constructed wetlands) to lessen storm surges at treatment facilities. Shoreline stabilization and floodwall design can be self-sustaining through the incorporation of native, living materials with hard armoring, termed bioengineering. Vegetation is an effective way to increase the strength and stability of any slope. Given the opportunity to shore up existing coastal utilities, preference should be given to those methods that restore the ecological functions and values of our coastal shorelines.
Roux Associates is a leader in providing green shoreline solutions to clients in the New York City Area. Recently Roux Associates completed a shoreline stabilization design in Brooklyn utilizing bioengineering solutions that survived a 15 foot storm surge during Hurricane Sandy. Click on the following link to learn more about the Shoreline Stabilization project.
Constructed wetlands are one of the most reliable best management practices (BMPs) used across the country to remove stormwater contaminants and reduce peak discharges of large storms and downstream flooding. Roux Associates has been actively involved in developing CTW technology since 1993. Click on the link to learn more about our recent Sustainable Stormwater Wetland Design currently being installed in a park on Staten Island.
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