Massachusetts Amended Clean-Up Regulations Help Promote Brownfield Redevelopment Projects
As noted in a recent Boston Globe editorial, amendments to the Massachusetts clean up regulations may help promote redevelopment of Brownfield sites. The Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) amendments which are intended to "enhance program efficiency while maintaining a high standard of environmental protection" may be published as soon as the end of April 2014 in the Massachusetts Register. Also included will be Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection's effective dates for the various provisions. Click on the Boston Globe logo below to read the full article.
Roux Associates' experts and team of Massachusetts LSP's have been providing environmental services at Brownfield sites at urban, suburban, rural commercial and industrial properties in Massachusetts and across the United States for over 30 years. If you would like more information or are interested in a tailored technical brownbag presentation to help you and your organization understand how the amendments to the MCP may affect your projects click below or call 781.569.4000 and ask for Mitch: